Are these exhaust ducts compatible with the first-generation EcoFlow WAVE?
No, these ducts are specifically designed for the EcoFlow WAVE 2.
Can the ducts be extended or replaced?
Yes, the ducts are adjustable and can be replaced if needed.
Do I need to use both ducts at the same time?
It is recommended to use both inlet and outlet ducts for optimal cooling and airflow.
Are the ducts flexible enough for different window setups?
Yes, the flexible design allows for varied positioning to accommodate different window and vent openings.
Are these ducts necessary for using the EcoFlow WAVE 2?
While the WAVE 2 can function without ducts in open spaces, they significantly improve ventilation and efficiency.
Is there a warranty for these exhaust ducts?
Yes, EcoFlow provides a limited manufacturer’s warranty for this accessory.